Working Around a Limitation of Go Generics

2 min readJun 20, 2022
Go Generics

Go has always had some challenges regarding polymorphism. Its type system and naming rules just made some things difficult. For example, say your code did a lot of sorting and you frequently needed a LessThan functionality. Now every structure, even in a single package, could implement a method named LessThan with its own receiver and argument type and you are fine. Very polymorphic. But if you want a LessThan function for different types, you’re only allowed one function named LessThan in a given package. You’ll basically have to use naming variations (LessThanInt, LessThanString, etc.).

Generics Helped

With the addition of generics now you had the ability to write something like:

func LessThan[T constraints.Ordered](a T, b T) bool {...}

Which allows functions to be more polymorphic like methods.

But Not Always

Say you want to implement a widely recognized concept like Map, which takes two types (A, B) and a transform function (FN) and maps A to B using FN. You immediately hit a snag with methods and with Go’s generics:

type Foo[A any] struct {}
// Maybe?
func (f *Foo[A, B])Map(a A, func(A) B) Foo[B] {...}
// Or maybe?
func (f *Foo[A])Map[B any](a A, func(A) B) Foo[B] {...}




Graybeard code monkey, started on an Apple IIe, got a CS degree in the 80’s, and coded my way through C, C++, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin — and now Go.